“Rescue: HI-Surf” is a new live-action ‘lifeguard drama’ TV series, created by Matt Kester, starring Arielle Kebbel, Adam Demos, Robbie Magasiva, Kekoa Kekumano, Alex Aiono and Zoe Cipres, debuting September 22, 2024 on Fox:
“…follow the dedicated, heroic and adrenaline-seeking lifeguards of the ‘North Shore’ of O'ahu, as they save people's lives in the difficult and often life-threatening conditions of Hawaii's ‘Seven Mile Miracle’…”
The series is produced by John Wells Productions, Fox Entertainment Studios, and Warner Bros. Television…
…with Matt Kester serves as an executive producer of the series, alongside John Wells and Daniele Nathanson.
Cast includes Arielle Kebbel, Adam Demos, Robbie Magasiva, Kekoa Kekumano, Alex Aiono and Zoe Cipres.