“The Perfect Couple” is a new 6-episode live-action crime thriller TV series, directed by Susanne Bier, starring Nicole Kidman, Liev Schreiber, Eve Hewson, Dakota Fanning, Billy Howle, Jack Reynor, Ishaan Khatter, Meghann Fahy, Sam Nivola, Michael Beach, Donna Lynne Champlin, Mia Isaac, and Isabelle Adjani, streaming September 5, 2024 on Netflix:
“…on the morning of an extravagant Nantucket wedding to wealthy heir ‘Benji Winbury’, ‘Celeste’ wakes to find her maid of honor floating dead in the water.
“As the investigation heats up…
“…and the police look carefully over every member of the wedding party…
“…shocking secrets are slowly revealed …’
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