“LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy”, directed by Chris Buckley, is a new four-part animated special event, starring Gaten Matarazzo, Tony Revolori, Marsai Martin, Bobby Moynihan, Mark Hamill, Michael Cusack, Ahmed Best, Dee Bradley Baker, TC Carson, Trevor Devall, Jake Green, Jennifer Hale, Phil Lamarr, Ross Marquand, Piotr Michael, Kevin Michael Richardson, Helen Sadler, Matt Sloan, Matthew Wood, Sam Witwer and Shelby Young, streaming September 13, 2024 on Disney+:
“…the entire ‘Star Wars Galaxy’ gets completely mixed up when an ordinary ‘nerf’-herder, ‘Sig Greebling’, unearths a powerful artifact from a hidden ‘Jedi’ temple.
“Sudden,y he finds himself thrust into adventure in a new, wondrously wild and twisted version of the galaxy where good guys are bad, bad guys are good, and the fate of all depends on Sig becoming the hero who can put all the pieces back together…”
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