Friday, September 13, 2024

“Here After” in Theaters

“Here After” is a new live-action supernatural thriller, directed by  Robert Salerno, starring Connie Britton, Freya Hannan-Mills, Giovanni Cirfiera, Tommaso Basili,  Syama Rayner, Babetida Sadjo, Alessandro Bressanello, Andrea Bruschi, Alessandro Riceci,  Giorgia Trasselli, Laura Anzani and Lollo Franco, opening September 13, 2024 in theaters:

“…’Claire Hiller’ is overjoyed when her daughter ‘Robin’ is miraculously revived after a near fatal accident. 

“But her relief turns to dread as Claire notices changes in her daughter…

“…suspecting something ‘dark’ has Robin back from the brink of death…”

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