“Mufasa: The Lion King”, a prequel to “The Lion King”, is a new ‘photorealistic animated’, musical drama feature, directed by Barry Jenkins, starring Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Billy Eichner, John Kani, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, Aaron Pierre, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Mads Mikkelsen, Thandiwe Newton, Tiffany Boone, Lennie James and Blue Ivy Carter, releasing December 24, 2024 in theaters:
“…the prequel is about the rise of one of the greatest kings of the ‘Pride Lands’…
“..going back to the African savannah, where ‘Rafiki’ tells ‘Kiara’—daughter of ‘Simba’ and ‘Nala’—the story of her grandfather ‘Mufasa’…’
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