“M3GAN 2.0", a sequel to the killer-robot feature “M3GAN” (2022), is directed by Gerard Johnstone, starring Allison Williams, Violet McGraw, Ivanna Sakhno, Timm Sharp, Aristotle Athari and Jemaine Clement, now opening June 27, 2025 in theaters:
"...'in the first film, ‘Gemma' (Allison Williams), a brilliant roboticist at a toy company, uses artificial intelligence to develop 'M3GAN' ('Model 3 Generative Android'), programmed to be a child's greatest companion and a parent's greatest ally.
"After unexpectedly gaining custody of her recently orphaned niece 'Cady', Gemma enlists the help of the M3GAN prototype...
"...a decision that has horrific consequences when she becomes self-aware and overprotective of Cady, leading her to remove everyone in her way..."