Monday, August 12, 2024


“Classified” is a  Brit-produced ‘espionage’ drama series, created by Kagiso Lediga, starring Imani Pullum, Christine Horne,  Sule Rimi, Pablo Koza, Mila Rayne and Neels Clasen, streaming August 22, 2024 on Prime Video:

“…’Ella’, a student in Oakland, California is a weaver of yarns. A skateboarder with a skillful street style is a firebrand—defiant and rebellious in nature.

‘Arrested at a protest and facing serious jail time, Ella avoids incarceration thanks to her stepmother, ‘Dianne’, who has connections in high places. As part of the deal, Ella must leave her home in California and spend the remainder of her secondary education with her father and Dianne in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

“Ella’s world is turned upside down as she navigates a very different reality than the one she has known.”

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