“Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy”, directed by Michael Morris in London UK, is the fourth rom-com installment in the “Bridget Jones” film series, based on Helen Fielding’s 2013 novel, again starring Oscar-winner Renée Zellweger’s return as the fourth installment in the Bridget Jones film series, releasing February 14, 2025 in theaters:
“…now in her fifties, ‘Bridget Jones’ gets back on track following the death of her husband. As she opens her door to dating once again, she will enter a new decade and a new diary…
Cast also includes Emma Thompson as ‘Doctor Rawlings’, Hugh Grant as ‘Daniel Cleaver’, Jim Broadbent as ‘Colin Jones’, Gemma Jones as ‘Pamela Jones’, Sarah Solemani as ‘Miranda’, Sally Phillips as ‘Sharon’, Shirley Henderson as ‘Jude’, James Callis as ‘Tom’, Celia Imrie as ‘Una Alconbury’, Chiwetel Ejiofor as ‘Mr. Wallaker’, Leo Woodall as ‘Roxster, Isla Fisher as ‘Rebecca’ and Nico Parker as ‘Chloe’.
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