“Transformers vs G.I Joe” is a developing live-action Paramount Pictures feature, combining 2 of Hasbro’s best-selling movie/toy brands, to be executive produced by Steven Spielberg:
“…an infant ‘COBRA’ organization stumbles upon an alien spacecraft full of damaged robots - the ‘TRANSFORMERS’.
“With these new weapons under their control, COBRA will conquer the entire planet, unless a newly formed ‘Special Forces’ unit called ‘G.I.JOE’ can stop them…”
“When Cobra's ‘HISS’ tanks, ‘RATTLER’ jets and arsenal of vehicles suddenly transform into ‘GIANT ROBOTS’, the good guys don't stand a chance, and are forced to retreat.
“But one of the Hiss-robots seems to reject control. One that looks oddly similar to ‘Optimus Prime’…”
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