The hour-long documentary spotlights the true stories of the characters and real-life airmen featured in “Masters of the Air” including John Egan, Gale Cleven, Harry Crosby, Robert ‘Rosie’ Rosenthal, Frank Murphy, Alexander Jefferson, Richard Macon, as well as veterans John ‘Lucky’ Luckadoo, Robert Wolf, and a whole lot more..
“…from the shock of Pearl Harbor to the joy of ‘VE Day’, ‘The Blood Hundredth’ is a record of what was endured and achieved by a group of young Americans when their country and the world needed them most…”
“Portraying the psychological and emotional price paid by these young men as they helped destroy the horror of Germany’s Third Reich, is at the heart of ‘Masters of the Air’.
“Some were shot down and captured; some were wounded or killed. And some were lucky enough to make it home.
“Regardless of individual fate, a toll was exacted on them all…”
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