“Rock Paper Scissors” is a new animated comedy TV series, created by Kyle Stegina and Josh Lehrman, starring Jason Alexander (“Duckman”) and Carla Gugino (“Watchmen”) debuting February 12, 2024 on Nickelodeon:
“…in the premiere episode, ‘Scissors Gets a Job’, ‘Scissors’ tries to become a janitor after he runs out of money but discovers that the job involves way more skill than he initially thought. Meanwhile, ‘Rock’ and ‘Paper’ try to motivate Scissors in an unusual way…”
“‘Rock Paper Scissors’ started as an idea in Nickelodeon's ‘Intergalactic Shorts Program’ and quickly formed into a hilarious buddy comedy…
“…about the big and small hijinks of roommates ‘Rock’, ‘Paper’ and ‘Scissors’ and all the colorful characters in their world," said Kari Kim, Vice President of Nickelodeon’s Animation Development.
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