Saturday, November 11, 2023

DC’s “The Uknown Soldier”

The face-bandaged “Unknown Soldier” created by Robert Kanigher and Joe Kubert for DC Comics, debuted in the comic book title “Our Army At War” #168 (1966) , following ‘Eddie Ray’ a wounded soldier who 
undergoes intensive training to become an intelligence operative code-named "The Unknown Soldier’ in honour of 'The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier’ at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia:

 “…’Eddie Ray’ joins the United States Army together with his brother ‘Harry’ less than two months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. 

“Assigned to the Philippines when the Pacific War breaks out, he and Harry are present when the Japanese sweep across the islands. In their foxhole, Harry tells his brother not to lose hope even though they are outnumbered, because ‘one guy can affect the outcome of a whole war! One guy in the right place... at the right time...’

“The two fight off wave after wave of invading Japanese soldiers when a hand grenade lands near their foxhole. Harry throws himself on the grenade and is killed instantly, but the explosion also injures Eddie’s face. 

“In a rage, the soldier defeats the remaining Japanese single-handedly, but his face has been obliterated by the grenade and doctors are unable to restore it. Turning down a ‘Medal of Honorary’ for his actions, Eddie volunteers to be that ‘one man in the right place’. 

“His previous identity is erased and he undergoes intensive training to become an intelligence operative code-named ‘The Unknown Soldier’…”

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