"...the series focuses around the adventures of three teenage girls from Beverly Hills, USA – 'Sam', 'Clover' and 'Alex' – who live a double life as secret agents working for the 'World Organization of Human Protection' ('WOOHP').
"The girls are recruited by the organization's leader, 'Jerry', to solve worsening crime conditions that arise across the globe. The spies sport colourful latex jumpsuits and are provided with various gadgets to aid in their investigations.
"Their primary missions involve dealing with disgruntled and vengeful criminals who have been inconvenienced in some form in the past. Other missions have the same villains plotting revenge on the spies by ruining their personal lives. Framing each episode is a subplot that focuses on the girls' everyday lives as high school and now university students, dealing with relationships and their longtime high school nemesis 'Mandy..."
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