"....based on a true story, the film follows the efforts of down-on-his luck coach 'Thomas Rongen' (Fassbender), who is suddenly tasked to lead the 'American Samoa' national football team.
"The team is the lowest-scoring, absolutely worst soccer club in the world. But Rongen tackles the problem head on and gets the team in shape, to qualify as an 'elite squad' for the 2014 'FIFA World Cup'..."
"I'd never made a sports film before, and I really wanted to try that out," said Waititi. "It's about a sport I don't know that much about.
"Rugby is the national sport in New Zealand, but it's about underdogs, and I just love underdog stories.
"Most of my films are about people who live on the margins, or are a little bit left out, and it just fit right in for me.
"It's a true story, but it's got all the elements that all the great sports films have. It's basically the 'Cool Runnings' of soccer."
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