"Disenchantment" Part 5, is the final season of Matt Groening‘s comedic animated TV series, starring Abbi Jacobson ('Bean'), Eric Andre ('Luci') and Nat Faxon ('Elfo') along with John DiMaggio, Tress MacNeille, Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry, Noel Fielding, Meredith Hagner, David Herman, Sharon Horgan, Maurice LaMarche, Lucy Montgomery and Billy West now streaming on Netflix:
"...it all endeth here. The misadventures of hard-hitting, hard-drinking 'Queen Bean', her feisty elf companion 'Elfo' and her personal demon 'Luci' culminate...
"...in an epic battle for 'Dreamland' in the fifth and final installment of Matt Groening’s comedy fantasy series 'Disenchantment'..
"To save Dreamland from 'Queen Dagmar', Bean must vanquish her mother and outrun a prophecy that foretells she will kill someone she loves.
"The stakes are as high as ever as our heroes face a headless corpse, an evil scientist and most terrifying of all — their true destiny..."
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