“Ahsoka" is the newest live-action "Star Wars" TV series, spinning-off from "The Mandalorian", directed by Dave Filoni and Peter Ramsey, focusing on 'Ahsoka Tano' (Rosario Dawson), a former 'Jedi Padawan', who was once an apprentice to 'Anakin Skywalker', streaming August 31, 2023 on Disney+:
"Introduced as the 'Jedi Padawan' of 'Anakin Skywalker', 'Ahsoka Tano' was discovered by 'Plo Koon' and accepted into the 'Jedi Order'.
"...'Ahsoka' from the animated series 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' made a live-action debut in Season Two of 'The Mandalorian'.
"'Jedi Master Yoda' eventually granted Ahsoka the rank of Padawan and apprenticed her to Anakin Skywalker, a powerful and reckless 'Jedi Knight'.
"Their relationship began to grow, and Anakin gained a newfound respect for Ahsoka when she destroyed a 'Separatist' shield generator, saving his life in the process..."
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