“Dumb Money” is the upcoming comedy thriller directed by Craig Gillespie, based on the 2021 book "The Antisocial Network" by Ben Mezrich, starring Paul Dano, Pete Davidson, Vincent D'Onofrio, America Ferrera, Nick Offerman, Anthony Ramos, Sebastian Stan, Shailene Woodley and Seth Rogen, opening September 22, 2023 in theaters.
It is based on the true story of a group of rag-tag investors from the ‘Reddit’ page called ‘r/WallStreetBets’...
...who banded together to put the squeeze on at least two hedge funds that bet 'GameStop' shares would fall.
Ocean's 8
Ocean's 8, directed by Gary Ross, was a female version of Steven Soderbergh's original cult heist movie. The film boasts a bevy of celebrities in the cast, including Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, singer Rihanna, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Sarah Paulson, Aquafina and Mindy Kaling. Although Ocean's 8 lacks originality and echoes much of the original, Ross' picture is worth seeing for this set of charismatic female characters.
The action revolves around 'Debbie Ocean', younger sister of Soderbergh's 'Danny Ocean'. Released from prison, Debbie decides to take up the old ways, but this time trying to minimize all the risks.
To carry out a plan to steal a 'Cartier' diamond necklace, she recruits a female team consisting of a professional hacker, a street thief, a kleptomaniac, a jewelry manufacturer and a whole lot more.
I Care a Lot
This comedy thriller brought Rosamund Pike back into the role of a cold, psychopathic woman capable of fooling the world. Previously director David Fincher cast Pike in the thriller "Gone Girl", which earned her an Oscar nomination. in this film, director J. Blakeson skillfully sets the stage and doesn't prevent the actress from shining in the frame. Another important element of the movie is its stylization. During one of the interviews, J. Blakeson admitted that he was inspired by the exploitation films of the 1970's.
The protagonist 'Marla Grayson' is a con artist and deceiver, who registers guardianship over naive pensioners, and then takes all the movable and immovable property they have.
One day Marla chooses the 'wrong' old lady - rich pensioner 'Jennifer Peterson', who turns out to be the mother of a well-known criminal mastermind, who quickly realizes that his parent was taken in a turn. In the end Jennifer turns out to be not who she made herself out to be.
Burke and Hare
This Brit black comedy feature was the first movie on the John Landis' author page in an over twelve-year pause in his career due to a tragic accident during the production of "The Twilight Zone". At the time, Landis had stepped away from the business with no intention of returning to the director's chair.
The plot was based on a real-life case of the 'West Port' murders that took place in Edinburgh during the 1820's. Main characters 'William Burke' and 'William Hare', made a deal with Scottish surgeon 'Robert Knox', who required fresh corpses for autopsy lessons.
Despite the absolutely gruesome plot, "Burke and Hare" is a self-ironic movie in every sense, clearly demonstrating the unimaginable tricks people are willing to go to in order to be recognized, accepted and loved. William Burke and William Hare began their evil deeds with ordinary vandalism, with less empathy for future victims. It's only possible to laugh at them with bitterness inside.
Wild Tales (Relatos Salvajes )
Argentine-Spanish director Damián Szifron's feature "Wild Tales" ("Relatos Salvajes") was screened in the main competition of the '67th Cannes Film Festival' and later received an 'Oscar' nomination in the 'Best Foreign Language Film' category. The plot of the comedy thriller is divided into six short novellas with different characters and plot. All stories are united by the theme of violence, the perpetrator of which sooner or later becomes the victim of revenge.
Despite the absurdity of the events, "Wild Tales" isn't devoid of the moral and ethical aspect that runs through each of Damián Szifron's novels.
The director teaches the audience a lesson in anger management, as the indulgence of complex human emotion, never seems to lead to anything good, while the heroes of this anthology get into unimaginable and absurd situations.