Paramount Pictures' "PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie" is a new CG animated superhero comedy feature, directed by Cal Brunker, starring Mckenna Grace, Taraji P. Henson, Marsai Martin, Christian Convery, Kim Kardashian, North West, Saint West, James Marsden, Kristen Bell, and Finn Lee-Epp, releasing September 29, 2023 in theaters:
"..all of her life, 'Skye' has felt like she has been unappreciated by her friends. Eager to prove she can be an asset to the team, Skye gets a chance when a magical meteor crash-lands in 'Adventure City'.
"This gives Skye, 'Chase', 'Liberty', 'Marshall', 'Rubble', 'Rocky' and 'Zuma' superpowers. In order to steal the pups' powers, 'Mayor Humdinge'r escapes from prison and teams up with a meteor expert named 'Victoria Vance' to steal the pups' 'crystals'..."