Wednesday, February 08, 2023

"Invisible City" on Netflix

Season Two of  the Brazil-produced supernatural drama series "Invisible City", directed by Luis Carone, Cassiano Prado, Graciela Guarani and Luciana Baptista, follows detective 'Eric' (Marco Pigossi) of the 'Environmental Police'  who becomes involved in a murder investigation, then stumbles into a world inhabited by mythical entities, streaming in 2023 on Netflix:

"...Eric' (Pigossi) is now in a nature reserve near Belém do Pará,  protected by indigenous people and sought after by prospectors. He discovers his daughter 'Luna' (Manu Dieguez) and 'Cuca' (Alessandra Negrini) have been living in the region with the aim to bring him back. 

"Although he wants to return to Rio de Janeiro immediately with Luna, Eric realizes his daughter has a greater mission to undertake in the region. At the same time, in trying to protect her, he becomes a threat to the delicate balance between nature and the entities..."

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