Take a look at more footage from the upcoming animated feature, "The Super Mario Bros. Movie", directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, starring Chris Pratt as 'Mario', Anya Taylor-Joy as 'Princess Peach', Charlie Day as 'Luigi', Jack Black as 'Bowser', Keegan-Michael Key as 'Toad', Seth Rogen as 'Donkey Kong', Fred Armisen as 'Cranky Kong', Kevin Michael Richardson as 'Kamek and Sebastian Maniscalco as 'Spike', releasing in theaters April 7, 2023:
"...'Mario' make his first arrival to the 'Mushroom Kingdom', where a stranger from another land...
"...magically teleports into another unfamiliar world for adventure.
"His twin brother Luigi is chased by ghoulish 'Dry Bones'...
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