"Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe An Official Timeline" from authors Anthony Breznican, Amy Ratcliffe and Rebecca Theodore-Vachon, was created in collaboration with Marvel Studios, with a forward written by the President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, available September 2023:
"...this stunning visual guide is being created in collaboration with the Marvel Studios creative team. It will be the go-to resource for fans and filmmakers who are hoping to connect the dots and truly understand the web of interconnections between the different Marvel Studios movies and streaming series.
"The 'Marvel Cinematic Universe' ('MCU') is vast, incredibly varied, and richly complex, with different worlds, different timelines and countless characters.
"Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline, will answer the biggest questions: what happened, when and where.
Follow the entire story of the MCU from the 'Big Bang' to the 'Blip' and beyond..."
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