Take a look at a new HBO Max trailer supporting "The Batman", produced by DC Films and directed by Matt Reeves, starring Robert Pattinson as 'Bruce Wayne' /'Batman and Zoë Kravitz as 'Catwoman', with Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Barry Keoghan, Jayme Lawson, Andy Serkis and Colin Farrell, streaming April 18, 2022:
"...set in his second year of fighting crime, the film sees Batman uncover corruption in Gotham City...
"...while facing a killer known as the
"It's very much a point of view-driven, 'noir Batman' tale," said director Reeves.
"It's told very squarely on his shoulders and I hope it’s going to be a story that will be thrilling but also emotional.
"It's told very squarely on his shoulders and I hope it’s going to be a story that will be thrilling but also emotional.
"It's more Batman in his detective mode than we've seen in the films. The comics have a history of that. He's supposed to be the world's greatest detective...
love this to be one where when we go on that journey of tracking down
the criminals and trying to solve a crime. It's going to allow his
character to have an arc so that he can go through a transformation."
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