Apple TV+ has placed an order for a 10-episode live-action adventure series based on the Top Shelf Productions graphic title "Surfside Girls", by Kim Dwinell to be adapted by May Chan for IDW Entertainment and Endeavor Content, starring Miha Cech and Yaya Gosselin:
"...two best friends, 'Jade' (Cech) and 'Sam' (Gosselin), who are psyched to spend their summer riding the waves and catching the rays. That is until they meet a ghost. The girls dive head first into a mystery about a pirate ship and the cursed treasure that allegedly lies beneath Surfside’s beloved 'Danger Point' bluff.
"After meeting a pirate ghost named 'Remi', Sam wants to help him break the curse while Jade is determined to find a scientific explanation for the existence of ghosts. To solve the mystery, Sam and Jade will need to combine their very different approaches of logic and imagination. Together, they are determined to connect the clues, solve the mystery, save Surfside and maybe they’ll help a couple of pirate ghosts along the way..."
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