Development continues on a big screen "Mighty Mouse" feature for Paramount Animation, written by Jon & Erich Hoeber ("The Meg") in a 'hybrid' mix of CG and live action:
Created by writer Izzy Klein as a cartoon parody of "Superman" for producer Paul Terry's "Terrytoons", "Mighty Mouse" debuted in the theatrical animated short "The Mouse of Tomorrow" (1942), gaining his 'super-powers' by eating food from a 'super-market', giving him the power of flight, super-strength, invulnerablity, X-ray vision, telekinesis and a whole lot more.
...with early cartoon shorts portraying him as a ruthless fighter, able to tangle with evil cats.
Mighty Mouse had two rodent girlfriends, including 'Pearl Pureheart' in the cartoons...
Terrytoons was sold to CBS television in 1955...
...with the network airing cartoons on the "Mighty Mouse Playhouse" for twelve years.
Marvel Comics published a 10-issue "Mighty Mouse" title in the 1990's.
Dynamite Entertainment published a 5-issue "Mighty Mouse" title in 2017.
A Saturday morning cartoon TV series by animator Ralph Baskhi, "The New Adventures Of Mighty Mouse" was canceled after 2 seasons...
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