"Star Trek: Prodigy" is the new CG-animated TV series directed by Ben Hibon, starring Kate Mulgrew reprising her role as 'Kathryn Janeway' from live-action series "Star Trek: Voyager", Rylee Alazraqui, Brett Gray, Angus Imrie, Jason Mantzoukas, Ella Purnell, Dee Bradley Baker, John Noble, and Jimmi Simpson, launching October 28, 2021 on Nickelodeon and streaming service Paramount+:
"...in 2383, after the events of 'Star Trek: Voyager', a motley crew of young teenage aliens in the 'Delta Quadrant' find an abandoned 'Starfleet' ship, the 'USS Protostar'.
"Taking control of the ship, they must learn to work together as they make their way towards the 'Alpha Quadrant'..."
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