"Maya and the Three" is Tangent Animation's upcoming Mexican-produced, animated fantasy TV miniseries created by Jorge R. Gutiérrez, blending 'Aztec', 'Maya' and 'Inca' mythology, starring Zoe Saldaña, Rita Moreno, Alfred Molina and Cheech Marin, streaming October 22, 2021 on Netflix:
"...'Maya', a teenage 'MesoAmerican' warrior princess is celebrating her birthday when underworld gods appear, announcing she must pay for her family's past misdeeds.
"..."If she refuses to go along, the world will be ravaged by the gods...
"...so she embarks on a quest to recruit three legendary fighters who can help her save humanity itself from destruction".
Voice cast also includes Gabriel Iglesias as 'Picchu', Diego Luna as 'Zatz Prince of Bats', Gael García Bernal as the 'Jaguar Brothers', Allen Maldonado as 'Rico', Stephanie Beatriz as 'Chimi', Danny Trejo as 'God of Earthquakes', Rosie Perez as the 'Goddess of Gators' and Queen Latifah as 'Gran Bruja'.
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