Saturday, August 01, 2020
"Teenage Bounty Hunters" on Netflix
"Teenage Bounty Hunters" is the new action comedy/drama TV series, created by Kathleen Jordan, following teenage fraternal twin sisters who nab 'bail jumpers' while navigating high school life, starring Anjelica Bette Fellini as 'Blair Wesley' and Maddie Phillips as 'Blair Wesley', streaming August 14, 2020 on Netflix:
"...twin sisters 'Sterling' and 'Blair Wesley' balance teen life at an elite Southern high school with an unlikely new career as butt-kicking bounty hunters.
"Rebelling against their buttoned-up Southern community, the sisters team up with veteran bounty hunter 'Bowser Jenkins' (Kadeem Hardison)...
"...for over-the-top adventure as they dive into the dangerous world of bail skipping baddies and suburban secrets while trying to navigate high school drama -- love, sex, and study hall..."
Cast also includes Virginia Williams as 'Debbie Wesley', Mackenzie Astin as 'Anderson Wesley', Shirley Rumierk as 'Yolanda Carrion', Myles Evans as 'Miles', Devon Hales as 'April Stevens', Spencer House as 'Luke Creswell', Method Man as 'Terrance Coin', Eric Graise as 'Ezequiel, Wynn Everett as 'Ellen Johnson', Jacob Rhodes as 'Franklin' and Given Sharp as 'Lorna'.
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