Thursday, August 13, 2020

"Stargirl" in 2021

"Stargirl" the live-action superhero TV series created by Geoff Johns, based on the DC Comics character follows high school student 'Courtney Whitmore' (Brec Bassinger), who discovers the 'cosmic staff',  with Season Two, airing on The CW in 2021:

" decade after nearly all of the 'Justice Society of America' ('JSA') were killed...

" a battle against the 'Injustice Society of America' ('ISA')...

"...high school student 'Courtney Whitmore' discovers the 'Cosmic Staff' of 'Starman' and...

"...upon learning that her stepfather 'Pat Dugan' used to be Starman's sidekick...

"...becomes the inspiration for a whole new generation of superheroes..."

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