Saturday, July 18, 2020

"Dogville Barkies: So Quiet On The Canine Front"

From 1929 to 1931, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer produced a series of nine short "Dogville" comedy films aka 'barkies' (instead of 'talkies'),
starring trained canines, voice-dubbed by actors, directed by Zion Myers and Jules White, who later worked on "The Three Stooges" comedy shorts:

Films included, "College Hounds", "Hot Dog"...

..."Who Killed Rover?" aka "The Dogville Murder Case"...

..."The Dogway Melody", So Quiet on The Canine Front", "The Big Dog House"...

..."Love-Tails of Morocco"...

..."The Two Barks Brothers"...

...and "Trader Hound".

Click the images to enlarge...