Netflix continues developing a France co-produced 8-episode 18th Century mystery thriller series, created by Aurélien Molas ("Red Creek") "...that gives a new spin on the start of the 'French Revolution'..." by introducing French surgeon Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin', the inventor of the 'Guillotine', the pre-eminent symbol during the peoples' 'Reign of Terror':
" 1787 France, while investigating a series of mysterious murders, 'Joseph Guillotin'...
"...future inventor of the 'Guillotine', uncovers an unknown virus, known as the 'Blue Blood'.
"The disease, quickly spreads among the French aristocracy...
"...soon leading to a rebellion..."
"Aurélien Molas is a very talented and innovative creator...
"...whom we are thrilled to be working with on our next French original series", said Erik Barmack, Vice President International Originals at Netflix.
"We are excited to be able to bring to a French and international audience...
"...a series inspired by such a defining moment in history..."
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