"The Imagineering Story" is an original six-hour series documenting the history of "Walt Disney Imagineering" and the 'Audio-Animatronic' robots at the Disney theme parks, directed by Leslie Iwerks, now streaming on Disney+ :
"...the series looks at the 65-year history of 'Walt Disney Imagineering' through parallel storylines focused on the people, the craft, and the business. 'Oscar' and 'Emmy'-nominated director, producer Leslie Iwerks, creator of the series, will feature interviews and exclusive sneak peeks from Disney parks around the world..."
One note: whether deliberate or not the awful-looking 'Donald Trump' robot at Disney's 'Hall of Presidents' discredits the fine workmanship of Disney's skilled designers.
But a wax figure from 'Madame Tussauds' London, UK museum did get it right.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "The Imagineering Story"...