Thursday, November 07, 2019

Robert Pattinson: "The King"

Take a look at actor Robert Pattinson ("The Batman") as 'The Dauphin' in the Netflix feature "The King", directed by David Michôd, co-starring Timothée Chalamet as 'King Henry V', Ben Mendelsohn as 'King Henry IV', Sean Harris as 'Michael Williams' and Thomasin McKenzie as 'Phillipa':

"...'Hal', a wayward prince, ascends the 'English Throne' upon his father's death...

"...and must navigate the palace snake pit and inherited war and chaos..."

Cast also includes Dean-Charles Chapman as 'Thomas', Edward Ashley as 'Cambridge', Andrew Havill as 'Archbishop of Canterbury', Ivan Kaye as 'Lord Scrope', Steven Elder as 'Dorset', Gergely Szűcs as 'Blacksmith', Tom Lacroix as 'Gilrich', Jeremy Chevillotte as 'French Lord Steward' and Balogh Viktor as 'Bowman'.

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "The King"...