Tuesday, November 12, 2019

"M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand"

Thanks to the successs of Hasbro's billion dollar movie franchises "G.I. Joe" and "Transformers", Paramount continues developing Hasbro Studio's "M.A.S.K.", aka 'Mobile Armored Strike Kommand' as "a contemporary subculture movie with a youth empowerment angle"

"...'Matt Trakker' and his allies battle massive mutated creatures in the bowels of the Earth as an internal power struggle threatens to tear the 'M.A.S.K.' team apart. But if M.A.S.K. survives the monsters, can they survive each other?..."

Created by Kenner, then acquired by Hasbro, "M.A.S.K." originally follows the fight between an underground task force, led by 'Matt Trakker' and the criminal organization 'V.E.N.O.M.'. aka 'Vicious Evil Network of Mayhem' led by 'Myles Mahem'.

After its initial launch in 1985, the franchise spawned four series of action figures, an animated television series, video games and comic books.

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "M.A.S.K."...