"Emma", is the new Brit-produced comedy feature, directed by Autumn de Wilde, based on the classic novel by author Jane Austen, starring Anya Taylor-Joy and Johnny Flynn, opening February 21, 2020:
"..."set in the village of 'Highbury' and the surrounding estates of 'Hartfield', 'Randalls' and 'Donwell Abbey' 'Emma Woodhouse', is handsome, clever, and rich.
"She is also spoiled, headstrong and self-satisfied, blind to the dangers of meddling in other people's lives with her imagination often leading her astray, in a comedy of manners covering marriage, gender, age and social status..."
Cast also includes Bill Nighy, Miranda Hart, Mia Goth, Josh O'Connor, Callum Turner, Rupert Graves, Gemma Whelan, Amber Anderson and Tanya Reynolds.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Emma"...