DC Universe and Warner Bros. Television confirm the ultra-violent, live-action, costumed crime-fighter TV series "Titans " based on the DC Comics superhero characters will return for a third season Fall 2020, with new episodes currently being shot in Toronto:
"...premiering in 2018 as the first 'DC Universe Original Series', 'Titans' is in the middle of a stellar second season where our heroes — 'Dick Grayson'...
"...'Rachel Roth' aka 'Raven'...
"..."...'Kory Anders' aka 'Starfire', 'Gar Logan' aka 'Beast Boy', 'Hank Hall' and 'Dawn Granger' aka 'Hawk' and 'Dove'...
"...'Donna Troy' aka 'Wonder Girl' and 'Jason Todd' aka 'Robin' — are learning to co-exist as a new team while facing their toughest enemy yet: the deadly assassin 'Deathstroke'...
"...who threatens to tear this new Titans family apart once more..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Titans"....