A chilling new BBC TV mini-series, directed by Nick Murphy ("The Awakening") adapts Charles Dickens' haunting 1843 novella "A Christmas Carol", executive produced by Ridley Scott and Tom Hardy, starring Guy Pearce ("Memento") as 'Ebenezer Scrooge', with Andy Serkis ("War For The Planet Of The Apes") voicing the 'Ghost of Christmas Past', Stephen Graham as 'Jacob Marley', Charlotte Riley as 'Lottie', Joe Alwyn as 'Bob Cratchit', Vinette Robinson as 'Mary Cratchit' and Jason Flemyng as the 'Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come', starting December 19, 2019 in North America on FX:
"...'Ebenezer Scrooge', a Victorian-era money-lender who believes Christmas is a 'humbug', is haunted by the ghost of his former partner 'Jacob Marley' on Christmas Eve.
"Marley's ghost tells Scrooge he is to be visited during the night by three spirits, to revisit Scrooge's unhappy childhood, relive the end of his engagement to a young woman, how his nephew and his family celebrate the holidays despite their poverty, and the empty nothingness when Scrooge is gone from this world..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "A Christmas Carol"...