Sneak Peek the new action comedy feature "The King's Man", directed by Matthew Vaughn ("Kick-Ass") as a prequel to the "Kingsman" film series, based on the comic books by Dave Gibbons and Mark Millar, starring Ralph Fiennes, Harris Dickinson, Liam Neeson, Daniel Brühl, Rhys Ifans, Gemma Arterton, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Charles Dance, Matthew Goode, Tom Hollander, Djimon Hounso, and Stanley Tucci, opening February 14, 2020:
"...set during and after World War I, 'Col. T. E. Lawrence' (Fiennes) takes in a young prospect named 'Conrad' (Dickinson) to train him as an elite 'Kingsman Agent'...
" a collection of history's worst tyrants and criminal masterminds gather to plot more war..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "The King's Man"...