Friday, October 04, 2019

'Ripley Ryan' Is Marvel's "Star"

Marvel Comics upcoming 5-issue limited mini-series "Star", a spin-off character from "Captain Marvel", is written by Kelly Thompson and illustrated by Carmen Carnero, with a variant cover by Jeehyung Lee, available January 2020:

"...ambitious reporter 'Ripley Ryan' was one of the victims caught up in the apocalyptic schemes of 'Nuclear Man', becoming the crime-fighter 'Star', adored by everyone. But in truth she was a hybrid attempt by 'Dr. Minerva' of a 'Kree'-human 'Super-Soldier'. Desperate for the power and strength to control her own destiny, she tried to kill 'Captain Marvel' -- and failed. Ripley was left, defeated and powerless, in the 'Raft'. But something strange has happened, and Star now finds herself more powerful than ever before. And no one in the Marvel Universe is prepared for what's to come..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Captain Marvel"...