"Little Women" is the latest film version of the classic 'coming-of-age' period drama, adapting the 1868 novel of the same name by Louisa May Alcott, written/directed by Greta Gerwig, starring Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Eliza Scanlen, Laura Dern and Timothée Chalamet, opening December 25, 2019:
"...'Little Women' explores the lives of the 'March' sisters in 1860's New England, in the aftermath of the US 'Civil War'...
"...now focusing more on the sisters' young adult lives, after 'Meg', 'Jo' and 'Amy' leave their family home..."
Cast also includes Bob Odenkirk ("Better Call Saul") as 'Mr. March', Louis Garrel as 'Friedrich Bhaer', James Norton as 'John Brooke', Tracy Letts as 'Mr. Dashwood', Abby Quinn as 'Annie' and Jayne Houdyshell as 'Hannah'.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Little Women"...