"Black and Blue" is a new Screen Gems police action thriller, directed by Deon Taylor, staring Naomie Harris, Tyrese Gibson, Frank Grillo ("Captain America: Civil War"), Mike Colter ("Luke Cage"), Reid Scott and Beau Knapp, opening October 25, 2019:
"...police rookie 'Alicia West' (Harris) captures the murder of a drug dealer on her body cam.
"What's more disturbing is the murder has been committed by her partner and a squad of dirty cops (Grillo, Scott, Knapp).
"Unable to get help from her former community or the police department she's sworn to, West allies herself with a stranger named 'Milo' (Gibson)...
"...in an attempt to expose the murder while a local gang puts out a bounty on her life..."
Cast also includes Nafessa Williams as 'Missy' and Frankie Smith as 'Tez'.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Black and Blue"...