"Superman: Red Son", a new animated full-length feature available in 2020, is part of the 'DC Universe Animated Original Movies' line, based on writer Mark Millar's 3-issue DC Comics minseries, set in an 'alternate reality' circa 1953-2001, that sees the baby 'Krypton' alien 'Kal-El', the future 'Superman', crashland in the 'Soviet Union', instead of Kansas, USA:
"...instead of landing in Kansas as a child, I've decided to explore what could have happened if his rocket would have landed on a collective farm in the 'Soviet Union'," said Millar.
"Instead of working for the 'Daily Planet', he'll be a reporter for 'Pravda'. There's a reversal of the current situation, this time it's the US that's splitting up, with Georgia and Louisiana demanding independence — tanks rolling through the streets of New Orleans..."
Voice cast includes Jason Isaacs as 'Superman', Diedrich Bader as 'Lex Luthor', Amy Acker as 'Lois Lane', Vanessa Marshall as 'Wonder Woman', Phil Morris as 'James Olsen'...
...Paul Williams as 'Brainiac', Sasha Roiz as 'Hal Jordan', Phil LaMarr as 'John Stewart' and Roger Craig Smith as 'Batman'.
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