Actress Margot Robbie ("Once Upon A Time...In Hollywood") appears in the Australian Tourism comedy spoof "Dundee: The Son of A Legend Returns Home", starring Danny McBride and Chris Hemsworth, following the pampered son of 'Crocodile Dundee', who returns from America where he was raised, to his father's native Australian outback:
"...uptight 'Bryan' (McBride) , the American raised son of 'Crocodile Dundee', comes face to face with laidback Australian 'Wally Jr' (Hemsworth)...
"...the 'son of 'Wally', who was Crocodile Dundee's business partner.
"Crocodile Dundee" (1986), earned $328 million box office worldwide, followed by "Crocodile Dundee II" (1988) earning $239 million worldwide.
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