Wednesday, August 28, 2019

"The Spy" On Netflix

Sneak Peek new footage from upcoming TV mini-series drama "The Spy", written and directed by Gideon Raff, Max Perry based on the life of Israel's top 'Mossad' spy 'Eli Cohen' (Sacha Baron Cohen), in a co-production between Canal+ and Netflix, streaming on Netflix September 6, 2019:

Israeli Eli Cohen was noted for his espionage work in Syria, 1961-65 where he developed close relationships with the political, military hierarchy, becoming 'Chief Adviser' to the 'Minister of Defense'.

When Syrian counter-intelligence authorities uncovered Cohen's connections, he was captured and convicted under pre-war martial law, sentenced to death and hung in a downtown public square in Damascus, Syria. 

But the intelligence Cohen gathered before his arrest is said to have been an important factor in Israel's success in the 'Six-Day War'.

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "The Spy"...