"Judy" is the new Brit biographical drama feature, following the life of singer, actress 'Judy Garland' circa 1969, directed by Rupert Goold, adapting the 'Tony'-nominated West End and Broadway play "End of the Rainbow" by Peter Quilter, starring Oscar winner Renée Zellweger, opening theatrically September 27, 2019:
"...'Judy Garland', the child star who played 'Dorothy' from "The Wizard Of Oz', who became alcohol and drug-addicted throughout her long career, arrives in London, UK in 1969 for a five-week run of sell-out concerts..."
Cast also includes Darci Shaw as young 'Judy Garland', Rufus Sewell as 'Sidney Luft', Michael Gambon as 'Bernard Delfont', Finn Wittrock as 'Mickey Deans', Jessie Buckley as 'Rosalyn Wilder', Bella Ramsey as 'Lorna Luft', Royce Pierreson as 'Burt', Arthur McBain as 'Askith', John Dagleish as 'Lonnie Donegan', Gemma-Leah Devereux as 'Liza Minnelli' and David Rubin as 'Noel'.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Judy"...