"Harlots" is the British-American TV series, inspired by "The Covent Garden Ladies" by Hallie Rubenhold, focusing on 'Margaret Wells' (Samantha Morton), a former prostitute who runs a stinky brothel in 18th-century England, while struggling to raise her daughters in a chaotic household, premiering Season 3 July 10, 2019 on Hulu:
"...in London 1763, a woman's opportunity is to marry well or be a prostitute, with the city's brothels run by canny businesswomen including the deranged 'Margaret Wells' and the ruthless 'Lydia Quigley' (Leslie Manville).
"But there is a new morality in the air as religious crusaders demand the closure of brothels, with constables more than happy to launch brutal raids on the women.
"Wells' determined to improve her life and fortune, moves her brothel to 'Greek Street' in Soho to serve a better class of 'Georgian' society.
To finance the move, she auctions the virginity of her younger daughter 'Lucy' as she had done before with her older daughter 'Charlotte', the lover of the besotted 'Sir George Howard', who wants her to sign a contract with him that makes him her 'keeper'.
"Wells' move to Greek Street also puts her into conflict with Quigley, for whom she had previously worked as a prostitute.
"Quigley operates a high class brothel in 'Golden Square', serving rich, highly influential people in the judiciary and is able to blackmail a religious reformer into opposing Wells..."