Filmation's original "He-Man: Masters Of The Universe" (1983) cartoon series, created to sell Mattel toys, was inspired by author Robert E. Howard's "Conan The Barbarian", airing 130 syndicated episodes, starring muscle-bound 'He-Man' defending 'Eternia' and the secrets of 'Castle Grayskull' from the evil forces of fan favorite 'Skeletor'.
The series was followed in 1990 by "The New Adventures of He-Man".

"...during the aftermath of a 'Great War', the 'Sorceress of Castle Grayskull', aka 'The Goddess', gave 'Prince Adam', son of planet Eternia's 'King Randor' and the earthling 'Queen Marlena', his super powers.

"Adam would hold aloft the 'Sword of Power', proclaiming, 'By the power of Grayskull... I have the power!'

"Adam's physique would ripple with muscles and his green tiger 'Cringer' would change into the armored 'Battle Cat'.
"He-Man's love interest was 'Teela', female 'Captain of the Royal Guard', adoptive daughter of mentor 'Duncan', aka 'Man-At-Arms' and the only daughter of 'The Sorceress'.

In 1987 a live-action "Masters of the Universe" feature was produced starring actor Dolph Lundgren ("The Punisher") as Prince Adam and Frank Langella as Skeletor.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Masters of The Universe"...