Friday, February 08, 2019

"Weird Fantasy"

EC Comics' 22-issue, pre-Comics Code dark fantasy series "Weird Fantasy" (1950), is being developed as an episodic TV anthology, following a new partnership between the estate of EC Comics publisher William M Gaines and Hivemind ("The Expanse"), for producers Hunter Gorinson, Gaines' daughter Cathy Mifsud and her son Corey Mifsud:

Published by Bill Gaines and edited by Al Feldstein, "Weird Fantasy" comic books are rare and highly prized...

...showcasing the best comic book illustrators in the business including Feldstein...

...Joe Orlando, Al Williamson, Frank Frazetta, Wally Wood, Harvey Kurtzman, George Roussos, Reed Crandall, Will Elder, Bernard Krigstein, Jack Kamen and John Severin.

"...the most controversial story was "Judgment Day" (1953), featuring 'Tarlton', an astronaut from the 'Galactic Republic', who explores 'Cybrinia' a planet populated by orange and blue robots. 

"Tarlton realizes the blue robots are treated horribly and given fewer rights than the orange robots...

"...despite the fact they are identical except for their color. 

"Tarlton decides that because of this, the planet will not be allowed in Republic and in the final panel he removes his helmet, revealing he is black..."

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