Development continues on a feature film adaptation of the Cliffhanger comic book series "Danger Girl", created by writer Andy Hartnell and illustrator J. Scott Campbell, with a screenplay by Umair Aleem for Robert Kulzer of Constantin Film, Jeremy Bolt of Bolt Pictures and Adrian Askarieh of Prime Universe Films:
"...'Abbey Chase', an adventurer reluctantly recruited into a secret organization...
" paired with operatives 'Sydney Savage' and 'Natalia Kasstle'...
"...on a globe-trotting adventure to locate a series of mystical objects before they fall into the hands of the 'Hammer Syndicate'..."
Cliffhanger's "Danger Girl" comic books (1998), a spoof of "James Bond", follows a group of female secret agents led by mentor 'Deuce'...
...a former 'British Secret Service' agent lured away from retirement by the UN to oversee the world's first all-female espionage network, with the Code Name, 'Danger Girl'.
"Danger Girl" figures were created by McFarlane Toys, including 'Abbey Chase', 'Sydney Savage', 'Natalia Kassle' and the villain 'Major Maxim'.
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