Sneak Peek "Little Women", directed by Clare Niederpruem, in a modern, updated adaptation of author Louisa May Alcott's 1868 novel, starring Sarah Davenport, Allie Jennings, Lucas Grabeel, Ian Bohen and Lea Thompson, opening September 28, 2018:
" the original novel, four teenaged sisters and their mother, 'Marmee', live in a new neighborhood in Massachusetts in genteel poverty. Having lost all his money, their father is acting as a pastor, miles from home, involved in the 'American Civil War'. The women face their first Christmas without him.
"'Meg' and 'Jo March', the elder two, have to work in order to support the family: Meg teaches a nearby family of four children; Jo assists her aged great-aunt 'March', a wealthy widow living in a mansion, 'Beth', too timid for school is content to stay at home and help with housework; 'Amy' is still at school. Meg is beautiful and traditional, Jo is a tomboy who writes; Beth is a peacemaker and a pianist; Amy is an artist who longs for elegance and fine society.
"Jo is impulsive and quick to anger. One of her challenges is trying to control her anger, a challenge that her mother experiences. She advises Jo to speak with forethought before leaving to travel to Washington, where her husband has pneumonia..."
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