Marvel Comics' "Fantastic Four" #1, available August 8, 2018, is written by Dan Slott and illustrated by Sara Pichelli, Simone Bianchi and Skottie Young, with covers by Esad Ribic, Alex Ross, Arthur Adams, Nick Bradshaw, Mark Brooks, John Cassaday, Jack Kirby, Eric Powell, Joe Quesada, Humberto Ramos, Walter Simonson and Mike Wieringo:
"...since the end of 'Secret Wars', there's been a gap in the 'Marvel Universe'.
"A void no other team can fill. And it's time for the world to move on. But can it? A life-changing decision by the 'Thing'!
"A momentous declaration by the 'Human Torch'! A clarion call-to-arms that summons 'Doctor Doom'!
"And a signal in the sky that heralds the return of hope to the Marvel Universe!
"All this, and 'Alicia Masters' adopts kittens! Plus, the 'Impossible Man'!"
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